A full-featured macro editor for the PC which is functionally compatible with the @ED processor of Unisys 1100/2200 systems.
Most @ED commands and macros execute with no alteration.
Tested under Windows (all versions up to XP), DOS, NetWare, Concurrent DOS, and all versions of OS/2 from 2.1 and beyond.
Includes on-line context-sensitive help and a starter library of macros.
@ED-PC helps you bring your mainframe-based level of productivity to the PC platform without the biggest part of the learning curve (i.e., a new editor).
More information about @ED-PC
- @ED-PC Screen Shots
- @ED-PC Top Ten
- Developer's Notes - Features in @ED-PC - What's not in @ED-PC
- @ED-PC History
Users tell us about @ED-PC ..
"As instructed, I unzipped it and simply fell into it. no learning curve at all!"
"I can now fully flex my muscle on a PC."
"I have been working on UNISYS mainframes and using "THE EDITOR" for 25 years. Since the advent of PC's, I have been searching for a pc based editor that has the power and versitility of @ED. I expected to find a pc based product that had some of the functionality of @ed. I never expected to find a clone."
"Thank you *so* much for the copy of @ed. It has realy made my day, maybe even my year."
"Other PC editors have their place, but none that I know of(and how I have searched) come near to the column-limiting, searching and macro abilitys of @ed. To think of the time I have spent, ftp'ing data from pc to mainframe, just to exploit the exceptional abilities of mainframe-@ed."
"I use it almost every day. It's just like working on the mainframe. I have to make a conscious effort not to do a @fin when finished."
"I had a few minutes this morning so I transferred one of my favourite ED macros to the PC and gave it a try. It worked like a champ! So far the only disappointment was the lack of support for long filenames. Everything else has been marvellous!!! It's a really impressive piece of work!"
Description | Delivered via | SKU # | Single License Price | Buy Online |
@ed-pc 2r1 | directed download or email | sku-51 | $64.99 |
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@ed-pc 2r1 CD | ground delivery service | sku-52 | $69.99 |
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Questions? Contact Us!
Prices do not include tax if applicable.
A qualification version of @ED-PC that supports Long File Names is currently being beta tested.
Contact us for more information!