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JavaScript >> Slideshow using CSS and JavaScript
A simple slideshow for any number of images, with fade transitions between slides. Display and transition speeds are customizable for each design. This demo uses five photos of classic cars.
The Demo

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.mssimage { border-width:1em 2em; border-color:#90B3F2; border-style:solid; height:183px; opacity:1; transition-property:opacity; } .mssimage.noshow { opacity:0; }
<div style="text-align:center" name="arbitraryDiv"> <img src="images/camaro1.jpg" name="mssimage" class="mssimage" alt="1968 Camaro" title="1968 Camaro"> </div>
The Javascript
var mssimages=new Array(); function mssimageurls(){ var ix; for (ix=0;ix<mssimageurls.arguments.length;ix++){ mssimages[ix]=new Image(); mssimages[ix].src=mssimageurls.arguments[ix]; } } // image src list mssimageurls( "images/camaro1.jpg", "images/camaro2.jpg", "images/camaro3.jpg", "images/camaro4.jpg", "images/camaro5.jpg") var mssspeed=5000; /* time that each image is to show */ var mstspeed=1000; /* time of the transition -- all times are in milliseconds*/ var mssiximg=0; function msschange(){'s'; document.images.mssimage.className='mssimage noshow'; setTimeout("msschange2()",mstspeed/2); /* time to wait for fade to occur */ } function msschange2(){ document.images.mssimage.src=mssimages[mssiximg].src; if (mssiximg==mssimages.length-1) { mssiximg=0; } else { mssiximg++; }'s'; document.images.mssimage.className='mssimage'; setTimeout("msschange()",mssspeed); } msschange();